This male norn looks healthy enough, but is NIV
positive. Watch him and you will see him infect other norns with the
virus. There is rumour that Norn Immuno-deficiency Virus (NIV) does
not cause Acquired Immuno-deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). This is false. The
virus is spread sexually and does cause AIDS . The norns will not
typically die from the NIV itself but from other pathogens in their. NIV
norns have an altered genome that is essentally Andrew Carroll's excellent
Circulatory Norns genome with a extra genes added to make them susceptible
to NIV. The NIV attacks the Killer T cells and other parts of the immune
system. The other norns in the pack are a NIV positive female and a
monogamous NIV negative couple.
Unfortunately standard norns are obligatorily promiscuous and do
not have condoms or anti-retrovirals (but I'm working on it). Humans,
potentially, are much better off. Most of all there is the option of Holy-
Spirit controlled behavior. This is like a Norn having personal access to
his programmer. God knows how we are made, our limitations and our
weaknesses. Why settle for purely human recources when it is possible to
have access to Him?